Rainbow Warriors and Beloved Children Welcome

Friday, June 5, 2009

"Shimmering Dawn before the twilight"


Song of Prayer Gifted . . .

today is the dawning in the day of the dawn, but it always knows which way to turn, if i can find happiness in all the ways with me, i will always know the ways to shine, it is within me i can know the way, if i only keep the sun inside, if the winds find happiness in all the days ahead, it will find me in the always, for we are happiness on a ride, we are here to know love, whatever we share is to know love once more inside, to know the pure of heart will endure, but how will i walk when, each day doesn't shine, when the darkness comes inside of me, well the deep is within me the darkness that is pure, and i know that great mother dwells therefore i am, the wisdom of the eternal age, i am the winery of the red in bloom, it is the schooling of the divine instead to teach the way of love .... so which way to turn to know all the ways to know, which way i am inside, the wills of the many have all deep inside, the wills of the many are divine, my path is sacred i know this is true, my road is red with blood of the dead, and i know that all that suffered for me have come to lead us home.... so what can i do to find the whipper will, the light that guides the way, will we listen to the springtime that comes in our hearts, or will we turn and walk away? but if I can plant the seed in their heads, that only the soul can bleed the red, i can show that the love that's willed inside instead the love of the red the love of god.... so keep close to me the will of everyone, and keep my heart on the red (road) I have but a, whisper to keep in silence pure, to know that love sheds the way, to know that love sheds the way.... to know that love sheds the way....
Winter Solstice 2008, leading into 2009 a gift to you the Song of the Soul from
"Shimmering Dawn before the twilight"
Song of Prayer gifted from
White Buffalo Calf Woman "TwinDeerMother"

Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy

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Rainbow Warriors of Prophecy, Learn how purify the Soul Longing for Freedom. We the Elders Await Your Return to the Four Sacred Directions Written Across Our Hearts. Aho, may your spirit fly! Please Copy and Paste Link: http://www.google.com/profiles/whitebuffalocalfwoman

White Buffalo Calf Woman "twin deer mother"

Peaceful Wisdom Prayer


Time to come home, Journey towards the heart and embrace your kinsmen, for we are all related. Aho, may your spirit fly!